
From time to time we’ll post-up Wallofambient mixes which will be created by the labels who help run our site. The mixes will take on various forms from label-only showcases, themed sessions, recent recommendations or style and genre specific collections. They could be live, pre-recorded, arranged digitally or mixed with vinyl.

We’ll cover wide musical ground in any area we might consider to be Ambient, so don’t be surprised to hear drifting drones, acoustic influenced work, modern classical, jazz related sounds and even exotic, avant garde or minimalist creations.

Below is a selection of embedded players which you can use to stream our mixes or perhaps you may wish to follow us on Mixcloud:

Each new mix will be posted to the home page (wall) amongst our recommended releases. The post will include more information and a full tracklist and they’re all categorised as ‘mixes’, so to catch-up in a bit more detail, you may wish to check these out here:

Our Mixes:

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