
Established in July 2020.

a constant stream of the latest releases by specially selected ambient labels.

In 2020, wallofambient was set up as a simple, visual blog to become a backdrop of discovery for fans of ambient, drone, electro-acoustic and modern classical music. It brings together a community of some of this small scene’s finest labels who curate a home page of colourful square blocks to tempt you down a rabbit hole of new music to enjoy.

You will not see any text on the home page, so that you may judge the book by its cover in this library of blissful sound. When the page is open, we post up a music player, where you can click the embedded links to add it to your wishlist, buy or explore in more detail.
Underneath the player is an extract of the release text and the credits, along with a few images of the packaging if the release has a physical version.

Generally, the labels will all post up their latest releases but some will also make recommendations from the wider scene every now and then. We hope that you’ll enjoy the site and find a few gems!

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how to follow us

Follow this blog
At the bottom of every page and post, there’s a small button that tells us whether you’re following us. It’s your choice – you’re either in or you’re out. If you choose to follow our blog this way, you’ll receive an email whenever a label posts up a new release.

You may not have the time to flag emails and check back over them when the time is right. So you can bookmark this page on your computer or device and give it a browse when you’re in search for new additions to your music collection.

Follow us on Facebook
We’ve set up a Facebook page where all of the labels will be an admin. Our new blog posts fire over from wordpress to Facebook each time as well as regular posts of news and conversation from the label owners. This place should be a bit more social we’d imagine, given that it’s social media and there should be plenty of news that doesn’t make this site. You can check it out here:

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