ben rath – resolve [sound in silence]

Ben Rath is an ambient multi-instrumentalist based in Manchester, UK, who has been putting out sublime releases on labels such as Eilean Rec., Unknown Tone Records, Cathedral Transmissions, Triple Moon Records and others. He has also put out two releases, an EP and an album, with his acoustic lo-fi side-project Slow Heart Music and an EP with his electronic side-project Astral Harmonies.

Based on a loose concept imagining a post-collapse society in which a committee is sent back in time to observe events as they unfolded and report back on how things went so wrong, this project reflects Ben’s attempts to process and work through his own political anxiety and apocalyptic unease. Exploring the emotional and psychological toll of living in a post-Brexit and post-Covid Britain, plagued by corruption, state abandonment, and failing institutions, the music on Resolve travels through a sonic landscape of grief, melancholy, and political anger, as well as a stubborn hope for a better future and a dream of a world based on love, care, and mutual solidarity.

Released February 20, 2023

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