jolanda moletta – nine spells

‘Nine Spells’ is a collection of vocal-only compositions by experienced vocalist and multimedia artist Jolanda Moletta, a musical tribute to nine of her female ancestors.

Having fronted the folk band She Owl for over a decade, releasing two full-length albums and playing more than 300 concerts across Europe and the US, Jolanda turns the isolation of the past two years into an undeniably personal project of ancestral connection and healing. Her solo venture first appeared in 2021, contributing vocals for the Pepo Galán & Karen Vogt album ‘The Sweet Wait’, as well as a loop for the Thesis Recurring project. Nine Spells, however, sees her delicately arresting voice take centre stage for the first time.

While recently collecting photos of her female ancestors, she uncovered more about their lives. Their stories of courage during dark times gave her strength, imbuing her present experience with healing echoes. Channelling these formed the basis of the Nine Spells, from the haunting opener ‘Let the Wave In’, through to the sacred, choral conclusion in ‘Your Wildfires Light Up the Darkness of Your Heart’. Each musical composition, written from each spell, drawn from each collage, has been evoked from a place of healing intention, that can be enjoyed together as a full practice.

“Singing beyond words is a way to express an entire lifeline in one single breath, a way to represent and move emotional mountains, clouds full of tears and winds of laughter, infinite gardens where memories and desires intertwine and work together. The purpose is to break the frame and let the paint spread throughout the wall.”


Physical item photos here:


All tracks written and performed by Jolanda Moletta
Mastered by Rafael Anton Irisarri
Collages by Jolanda Moletta
Physical items by Jolanda Moletta
Design by Ambientologist 

released July 13, 2022

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