anne chris bakker- a sketch in leaving [whitelabrecs]

In this edition we welcome back Anne Chris Bakker, a musician and composer from the Netherlands. Some may recall 2021’s collaboration with Andrew Heath, with their album ‘How To Breathe Like A Stone’ and we are pleased to be able to present this solo record, ‘A Sketch in Leaving’. 

Anne Chris Bakker’s music makes use of electro acoustic sound sources, to create minimal and experimental ambient music. Releases have been made available through labels such as White Paddy Mountain, Dronarivm and Unknown Tone, as well as a further collaboration with Andrew Heath on Rusted Tone Recordings. There were also recordings as Kleefstra|Bakker|Kleefstra on labels which include Low Point. 

Bakker typically starts with small compositions created with guitar and for A Sketch in Leaving, a new approach was forged by using a piano and samples so that a new experimental path could be explored. Inspiration has been drawn from long walks in the Norwegian mountains and this album is in part based upon these experiences. The immense landscape, battered and bruised by the elements represents change and loss, as well as the emergence of freshly formed details. The titles of the album are mainly of places, people and concepts all set to the vast Scandinavian landscape, which is placed as a focal point within the packaging artwork.

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