morimoto naoki – soak [whitelabrecs]

morimoto naoki is an electronic and ambient composer from Tokyo in Japan, with previous releases on labels that include Seil, Inner Ocean and ROHS!. He started writing music around a decade ago and his approach draws in various instrument samples and every day sounds which he captures from his daily routines. 

There is an undoubted influence from the Japanese ambient and electronica scenes and his restful, lightly fractured acoustic sound stands up to that of his peers. In this new record ‘Soak’, morimoto’s breathes a sense of warmth and stillness into the world as acoustic and electric guitars, synthesizers, toy pianos and metallophones are woven into a tapestry of beautiful tones. Field recordings add narrative whilst cassette tape recordings give further warmth and charm. 

The concept for this record is to ‘soak’ the listener into the happenstances of daily life around them. The idea came about during the recording process as the field recordings were captured; morimoto found that listening to the world around him revealed many ambient textures that might normally go unnoticed. The process of trying to absorb these consciously felt like a ‘soaking’ process.

released March 12, 2022 

Written, Produced and Mastered by morimoto naoki
Photography by Harry Towell
Art and Design by Andrew Heath

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