marco lucchi, henrik m meierkord & jeanluc nest – trying colors

From 3 countries, France, Italy, Sweden these 3 musicians started this musical journey “Trying colors” on initiative of Jean Luc Nest, the producer. 

“Trying colors” 
What could that mean musically? 
Is it like a musical palette? 
That is something the listener/observer could discuss? 
Or is it something you can’t make concrete as music is the highest piece of art and therefore can be analyzed in your inner soul or inner depth. 

JeanLuc Nest is an accordion player from Alsace, France. 
He took the first step in producing and developing these marvelous gems. 

Marco Lucchi, eclectic music producer and mellotron player from Modena, Italy is adding his magical sounds into this project.

Henrik Meierkord, neoclassical/ambient cello/viola player from Stockholm, Sweden who brings in his string instruments in a different way.

released January 1, 2022 

Marco Lucchi: 
Mellotron, Buchla Synthesizer, electric Organ and `Flute 
Cover Design 

Henrik Meierkord: 
Cello, Viola, Contrabass 

JeanLuc Nest:
Accordion, Keyboards, Mixing
the whole Project was produced with Harrison Mixbus

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