jordan christoff – all black & echo [rtr]

Regular RTR listeners will already be familiar with Jordan Christoff. Jordan shared a split release with zakè in mid-2020 when the label resumed following a short pause. ‘Apotheosis’ (RTR026) became the first release on the label to receive a second run of tapes. Jordan returns to the label, this time with the solo album, ‘All Black & Echo’ (RTR047). 

Based in British Columbia, Canada, Jordan Christoff approaches to music making as a way of providing healing, restorative spaces for the listener. Jordan opts to create, perform, and record without the aid of computers, preferring to capture both momentary actions and human imperfection. ‘All Black & Echo’ delivers six tracks of gentle synth drones, swells, and bubbling textures. The album is ever so slightly darker in tone when compared to Jordan’s existing discography, perfectly suiting the long winter nights ahead. As so many of us are worn and weary from recent events, the need for restorative listening experiences is of great importance. 

The album artwork is based around an augmented photo captured in Farnham Park, UK, following heavy and unexpected snow in January 2021. 

Released November 29, 2021 

Performed, recorded, and mixed by Jordan Christoff 
Mastered by James Edward Armstrong

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