soft generator – a carefully controlled space [whitelabrecs]

In this new release, we welcome a collaboration between David Newman (Autistici) and Erik Schoster (He Can Jog). These artists have released music individually across a range of labels including 12k, KESH, Hibernate, Home Recordings, Audiobulb Records and Distance Recordings. This duo have worked together to form Soft Generator, with their inaugural release featuring artwork by collage artist Tom Tebby. 

‘A Carefully Controlled Space’ was crafted with orchestral sounds, analogue and modular synthesisers, computer generated routines, the Pippi Computer System and field recordings.
The work centres on the idea of hypnotic rest as a portal to recovery. Referencing the process of Asclepeion ‘sleep temples’, visited by the citizens of ancient Greece, the album wonders what it would be like to go through the ritual and process in modern times. A Carefully Controlled Space imagines a remedy as it reaches out and offers each listener a chance to reset, heal and escape.

Soft Generator are:
David Newman (Autistici/Volume Objects) –
Erik Schoster (He Can Jog) –

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