mi cosa de resistance / pauly – language is leaving us [mrm]


MRM is delighted to release these first fruits of a collaboration between sound artists Fernado Perales (Mi Cosa De Resistance) and Jens Pauly.

“This project started a few months ago, when I discovered Jens music, which I found beautiful and mesmerizing and with plenty of points of contact with my own music.

Before finding Jens’s work, someone with the name of Jens Pauly had bought some of my albums on Bandcamp. It took me a while, but not much, to realize that these two Jens Paulys were the same person and that it was not a case of Doppelgänger, so I decided to ask him if he would be interested in working together.

We started to exchange some ideas and I produced the foundation layers of these tracks, structured upon evolving textures using drone, in a constant flow; something really challenging when it comes to adding new elements, because you have to follow that flow and find the right moments at which to lay new sounds.

That is why I think what Jens did is outstanding; he did not just find the right elements to add but also the right moments to do it. Even more, he reached the perfect tonal balance between my initial layers and his arrangements, to the point where it is almost impossible to distinguish between the 2 of us.

Collaborative projects always open new horizons; you find yourself doing things that never did in the past, learning from someone’s approach and techniques”

(Fernando Perales)


released February 5, 2021

All music by Jens Pauly and Mi Cosa de Resistance
Recorded at Le Silence Studios, in Buenos Aires and Cologne
Mixing and mastering: Jens Pauly
Artwork: Matt Atkins

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