hymns57 – torschlusspanik [élan vital]

For the thirteenth release on élan vital recordings, Torschlusspanik from Hymns57. The number 13 represents many things, superstitiously, bad omens. Thirteen marks the uncertainty, the hesitation, the fickleness or a transformation. In Hindi however, it’s called ‘Terah’ which means ‘you’s’. It represents your karmas, in a spiritual context. There are 13 moon cycles in a year. 13 is said to bring the test, the suffering and the death. It symbolizes the death to the matter or to oneself and the birth to the spirit: the passage on a higher level. Death is the 13th card in Tarot but it mostly stands for death of a struggling period and a new beginning. 

Our newest artist, Hymns57 delivers Torschlusspanik. Eleven tracks offer space to sit and unpack your thoughts and emotions, inside of a sea, rich with sonic tapestries. As a word, torschlusspanik is a combination of three German words ‘gate-shut-panic’. A reference to the fear that time is running out, often regarding a life or an opportunity. City gates once upon a time, closing at nightfall. Leaving latecomers no choice but to stay outside, exposing themselves to various dangers. 

Hymns57 is a Belgian born Canadian soundscape artist. With releases on Rusted Tone Recordings, Whitelab Records and Polar Seas Recordings, he has also released over 15 albums independently since 2017. Primarily having worked most with tape loops and guitars, this new Elan Vital release shows Hymns57 leaning more on synth based work and piano passages. Showcasing a sense of growth artistically and furthering his overall compositions into new terrain. The usual mutated field recordings are ever present as always in his work. Creating that temporary yet immersive memory palace of unique textures that evoke lingering nostalgia and a dynamic audio experience. There’s always attention to emotional place within the Hymns57 music, you’re never rushed to experience the ethereal melodies and gentle textures. Which makes entering the darker material not so challenging but natural. Always making sure you land on your feet. The atmospheres are methodically laid out to allow your subconscious to wander and wonder.  

Released April 4, 2021 

2021 élan vital recordings 

Written, recorded, mixed by Hymns57 (May to December 2020) 
Mastered by James Edward Armstrong 
Cover photography by Quincy Rae 
Back photography by Hymns57 
Design and inlay photo by Toni Dimitrov

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