pruski – between [krysalisound]

“It’s a pleasure to start September, one of my favourite months because it signs the end of the hot Italian summer, with such a beautiful album. “Between” is the new work of Pawel Pruski, an amazing Polish artist. His electronic music is gentle and soft, the perfect soundtrack for starting the new season! Thanks from the heart for your attention. 

Between. It is interesting to look for what lies between the words, between the moments, between the first and the next particle of sound. There is a completely different picture of music. Its structure is no longer linear and the whole thing is freezing over time. There is no earlier and no later, there is no history and no future, there is no cause and effect. There is only a single moment levitating “in between”.  We don’t need any kind of language or descriptions. “Between” is just a set of these moments.”

releases September 11, 2020 

-All music and sound by Pawl Pruski 
-Composed, recorded and mixed in 2020 
-Mastered by Francis M. Gri 
-Artwork by Pruski 
-Design by KSND

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