nebel lang – 上風 (Uwakaze) [self-released]

Thoughts from the artist:

Re-listening and organizing material I have recorded in the last years, I found these three recordings, played in the early two thousand seventeen as demos for video collaboration. 
The recording had some issues; the sound turned strangely distorted, probably due to vibrations, but I kept them within my old files. 

Not long ago, I found Seiichi’s work on his blog and thought that his pictures could fit very well with these tracks. 
After his last developed film, I had the chance to choose one of the photographs to accompany the music. 

The album and the tracks were named with old Japanese words that get very close to certain meanings I was looking for. 

With your support, you are helping both of us to continue our work. Thanks!

released August 20, 2020 

Photography by Seiichi Takezawa 
Visit his blog at

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