jarr – 42º [sound in silence]

JARR is a collaborative project between British ambient guitarists Yellow6 and Wodwo.
Jon Attwood started Yellow6 as a solo guitar project in the late 90s, initially inspired by space/post-rock, electronica and reverb soundscapes. From his debut single on the Enraptured label, Attwood’s discography runs to over 150 releases, spanning a wide spectrum of atmospheric post-rock and minimalist ambient music. Throughout Attwood’s illustrious career, his music has featured on The John Peel Show and Resonance FM, has provided the soundtrack to several films and TV documentaries, and found homes on labels such as Make Mine Music, Resonant, Cathedral Transmissions, Silber and Somewherecold.
Wodwo is the alias of Ray Robinson, an award-winning novelist and screenwriter with literary works that have been adapted into major motion pictures. Inspired by artists such as Yellow6, Yutaka Hirasaka and Marcus Fischer, Robinson’s foray into ambient music began in 2018 and his compositions have quickly attracted a blossoming legion of fans.

42º is JARR’s third full-length album, and their second for Sound In Silence, following last year’s album Talking About X. The title of their new album, which is made up of six long-form compositions with a total duration of something more than 66 minutes, is inspired by the way a rainbow is formed.
“A rainbow is not located at a specific distance from the observer but comes from an optical illusion caused by any water droplets viewed from a certain angle relative to a light source. Thus, a rainbow is not an object and cannot be physically approached. Indeed, it is impossible for an observer to see a rainbow from water droplets at any angle other than the customary one of 42 degrees from the direction opposite the light source.”
Built around slow and contemplative reverbed guitar loops, walls of ambient textures, delayed guitar melodies, minimal post-rock ambience and washes of distorted shoegazing drones, 42º is a wonderful album of dreamy soundscapes, carefully mastered by George Mastrokostas (Absent Without Leave) and highly recommended for devotees of Labradford, Pan•American and Harold Budd.

Released June 26, 2023

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